Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy
  1. Introduction: This document set out our complaints policy. If you are a User of AllAdmirers, this Complaints Policy forms part of your agreement with us.
  2. Who we are and how to contact us: AllAdmirers is operated by AllAdmirers LLC. We are a limited company registered in New York, with company registration number 220628001057 and we have our registered office address at 353 West 48th St 4th Flr Unit 398, New York, NY 10036.
  3. Interpretation: In this Complaints Policy, defined terms have the same meanings given to them in the Terms and Conditions Page for all users. In addition, the term "business days" means any day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in the United States.
  4. Who can use this Complaints Policy? Whether or not you are a User of AllAdmirers, you can use this Complaints Policy to alert us to any complaint which you have relating to AllAdmirers.
  5. How to make a complaint: If you have a complaint about AllAdmirers (including any AllAdmirers about Content appearing on AllAdmirers or the conduct of a User), please send your complaint to including your name, address, contact details, a description of your complaint and, if your complaint relates to Content, the URL for the Content to which your complaint relates.
  6. If you are unable to contact us by email, please write to us at the following address: 353 West 48th St 4th Flr Unit 398, New York, NY 10036.
  7. How we will deal with complaints of illegal or non-consensual Content: Following receipt of your complaint of illegal or non-consensual Content under section 5 above:
    1. we will take such steps as we consider to be appropriate to investigate your complaint within a timescale which is appropriate to the nature of your complaint;
    2. if we require further information or documents from you, we will contact you to let you know;
    3. we will in good faith investigate your complaint within seven (7) business days;
    4. if we are satisfied that the Content is unlawful or non-consensual, we will immediately remove such Content, and we will notify you of our decision by email or other electronic message;
    5. if we are satisfied that the Content is not unlawful or non-consensual, we will notify you of our decision by email or other electronic message.
  8. Any dispute regarding our determination that Content is non-consensual will be submitted by us to a neutral arbitration association at our expense.
  9. How we will deal with complaints related to copyright infringement: Complaints related to copyright infringement must be submitted in accordance with our DMCA Policy and we will respond to copyright infringement complaints as set out in such policy.
  10. How we will deal with other complaints: Following receipt of other complaints (including complaints related to other breaches of our Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policies):
    1. we will take such steps as we consider to be appropriate to investigate your complaint within a timescale which is appropriate to the nature of your complaint;
    2. if we require further information or documents from you, we will contact you to let you know;
    3. we will in good faith take such actions as we consider appropriate to deal with the issue which your complaint has raised. If you have complained about Content which appears on AllAdmirers and we are satisfied that the Content otherwise breaches our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy, we will act quickly to remove such Content;
    4. we are not obligated to inform you of the outcome of your complaint.
  11. Unjustified or abusive complaints: If you are a User of AllAdmirers, you warrant (which means you make a legally enforceable promise) that you will not make any complaint under this Complaints Policy which is wholly unjustified, abusive, or made in bad faith. If we determine that you have breached this warranty, we may suspend or terminate your User account.

Complaint Policy & Procedures for AllAdmirers

At AllAdmirers, we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all users. We take complaints seriously and have established the following procedures for reporting, resolving, and appealing complaints related to content on our platform.

1. Reporting a Complaint: Users can report complaints regarding content on AllAdmirers through the following channels:

  • Use the "Report" feature available on each piece of content.
  • Contact our customer support team directly via email or through the platform's messaging system.
  • Submit a complaint through our online complaint form available on the platform's website.

2. Handling of Complaints: Upon receiving a complaint, our content moderation team will promptly investigate the issue. The following steps will be taken:

  • Content reported as violating our community guidelines or terms of service will be reviewed by trained moderators.
  • Moderators will assess the reported content based on our policies and standards.
  • If the reported content is found to be in violation, appropriate actions will be taken, which may include content removal, warnings to the creator, or account suspension.

3. Resolving Complaints: We aim to resolve complaints in a timely and fair manner. The resolution process includes:

  • Communicating with the complainant to gather additional information if needed.
  • Notifying the complainant of the outcome of the investigation and any actions taken.
  • Taking steps to address the underlying issue and prevent similar incidents in the future.

4. Appeal Process: If a user disagrees with the outcome of a complaint, they have the right to appeal. The appeal process includes:

  • Submitting an appeal through the platform's designated appeal form or contacting customer support.
  • The appeal will be reviewed by a senior member of the content moderation team who was not involved in the initial investigation.
  • The decision of the appeal review will be final.

5. Confidentiality: All complaints and investigations will be handled with strict confidentiality to protect the privacy of the complainant and the individuals involved. Information related to complaints will only be shared with authorized personnel involved in the resolution process.

6. Retaliation Policy: AllAdmirers prohibits retaliation against users who report complaints in good faith. Any instances of retaliation will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, including account suspension or termination.

7. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our complaint handling procedures. Feedback from users and stakeholders will be used to refine our processes and ensure they remain effective and transparent.

AllAdmirers is dedicated to maintaining a positive and safe environment for all users. Our complaint policy and procedures are designed to address complaints promptly, fairly, and with respect for the privacy and rights of all parties involved. We encourage users to report any concerns they may have so that we can take appropriate action to uphold our community standards.